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Liverpool Branch
Colonel (Ret,d) J. Harkon MBE TD. DL


Registered Charity Number 1125765


Chairman: Bruce Cargill 0151 474 2479

Secretary: Arthur Cheetham, 0151 632 3887

 Treasurer: Michael Hurst 0151 547 4776


Minutes of the Meeting held at the Aintree Conservative Club , Lancing Drive,,
Liverpool L10 8LN, Tuesday 1st September 2020





Present:  42 members signed in and the meeting was formally opened by the Chairman, at 8.00pm.


Apologies for absence:  Apologies were received from :-  Col. Steve Boardman, Maj. Terry Stott, Maj. Arthur Naughton, Capt. Neil Platt, Harry Dutton, Tug Wilson, John McNaughton, Ted Martin, Len Nichol, Willy Barney, Len Munnerley, George Rawsthorne,  Eddie Jones, Joe Pettigrew, Tom O'Neil, Tom McCormack, Peter Smedley,   Danny Hart, Phil Atkinson, , Tom Barney, Ken Barney, Richie Clatworthy, Alan Rimmer, Tony Woods, George Rawsthorne, Sid Smith, Bob Magee, Bob Young, Jimmy Unsworth, Bobby Hamblet, Richie Clatworthy, Kevin Hughes, Steve Sankey, Alan Smedley, Dave Dixon, and Alan Nelson.


Minutes of the Previous Meeting:  The minutes of the previous meeting were approved as a true record.

                                                      Proposed by:  Peter Veevrs

                                                      Seconded by: Alan Coppell

Matters Arising: No matters arising.


Visitors / new members: Joe Hardicker, North West Regional Secretary, Ian Whiteside, Beacon Counselling Trust.


Chairman’s Report: The Chairman welcomed members and guests to our second meeting at our ‘new home’ at the Aintree Conny Club. He said that the layout of the premises enabled us to observe social distancing and there were hand sanitising points throughout the premises and that he was pleased to see an attendance figure of 42 members and guests, and that they were maintaining a high standard regarding the covid-19 regulations. He advised members to keep alert and to keep up the high standards to stay safe.


Welfare Report; The Treasurer reported that he had been in touch with Tug Wilson again at the Royal Chelsea Hospital, and had found him to be still in good form. George Rawsthorne is keeping well and being well looked after in his nursing home.                                                     

The Chairman said that he had been in touch with Tom McCormack who had not been too well. Tom Barney was recovering from a kidney transplant.

He had tried a few times to phone Tom O’Neil but had been unable to get an answer.

(Sec’s update) I spoke to Tom today and am pleased to report that he is fine. The reason that members have not been able to get in touch by phone is that he, and his wife, have been celebrating their pearl wedding anniversary in a hotel in Bodelwyddan. He sends his best wishes and hopes to be at the next meeting.


Correspondence & Secretary’s Report: The secretary reported that in view of the fact that our meeting directly followed a bank holiday weekend he not yet received the mail drop from RHQ, nor any other mail. He said that as soon as he received the monthly newsletter, he would circulate it among all members with email facilities.

Treasurer’s Report: The Treasurer reported that he had not been able to do his monthly breakdown of income and expenditure due to a number of factors including the fact that the books are currently being audited by Brian Blanchard. He denied that he had been too busy studying the winter Caribbean cruise brochures.  In the meantime, he circulated copies of the current bank statement but stressed that any spare copies should be returned to him for shredding. He said that he had a cheque for the sum of £145.00 that needed paying into the bank and would do so on his next trip to St Helens.                                                                                  

He said that he was in possession of about £45.00 that had been collected from members as sponsorship for a member of staff from Broughton House who was going to make a charity parachute jump. He said that once the jump had been made the plan was to make it up to £100.00, if necessary, from branch funds.

Any Other Business:  Maj. Frank Boyle suggested that too much time was being spent presenting and recording apologies from non-attending members. He suggested that a form be devised and passed round on a clip board so that members could enter the names of the persons they were apologising for.

Frank then went on to suggest a training run every month for the cycling group. He also suggested a coast to coast cycle ride early next year. He said that he would look into the costs involved and the types of bikes to be used. He asked for this topic to be put on the agenda for further discussion at the next meeting.

The Chairman reminded members that the Secretary had been waiting to stand down for some months and he was pleased to announce that Brian Welsh had volunteered for the post. He then called for a show of hands in favour of accepting his offer, which proved unanimous. He then thanked the Secretary for his services over the years, which was followed by a round of applause. The Secretary thanked the Chairman for his kind words.

Ian Whiteside, from Beacon Counselling Trust reported on the success of the recent city walk for members. Following positive feedback from those taking part he suggested that further walks be organised. He said that there was plenty of scope for interesting walks in the city and suggested splitting the city area into segments. Another walk was being planned for Thursday 17th September meeting at 1.00pm outside Central Station.


Future events:   

13th September:  Arnhem service, Somerby

17th September: Liverpool City walk. Meet outside Central Station entrance 1.00pm

17th-20th September: Arnhem 76, Netherlands (restricted events and access).

5th November: Field of remembrance, Westminster Abbey.

7th November: PARAS10, Colchester.

10th July 2021: Airborne forces Day (ABFD80) Tatton Park.  


Close Meeting:  9.00pm


Date of next meeting: Tuesday 6th October 2020

Pegasus Coy 10 miler-1.jpg

Liverpool Branch
Colonel (Ret,d) J. Harkon MBE TD. DL


Registered Charity Number 1125765


Chairman: Bruce Cargill 0151 474 2479

Secretary: Arthur Cheetham, 0151 632 3887

 Treasurer: Michael Hurst 0151 547 4776


Minutes of the Meeting held at the Aintree Conservative Club , Lancing Drive,,
Liverpool L10 8LN, Tuesday 4th August 2020



Present: 30 members signed in and the meeting was formally opened by the Chairman, at 8.00pm. Apologies for absence: Apologies were received from :- Col. Joe Harkon, Col. Steve Boardman, Maj. Frank Boyle, Maj. Terry Stott, Maj. Arthur Naughton, Maj. Roy Bevan, Capt. Neil Platt, Harry Dutton, Tug Wilson, John McNaughton, Ted Martin, Len Nichol, Willy Barney, Len Munnerley, George Rawsthorne, Eddie Jones, Tony Pettigrew, Joe Pettigrew, Tom O'Neil, Peter Nicholson, Peter Smedley, Danny Hart, Phil Atkinson, Brian Welsh, John Milliken, Tom O’Neil. Tom Barney, Ken Barney, Phil Atkinson, Tom Dempsey, Richie Clatworthy, Alan Rimmer, Dave Woodray, Roger Cox and Frank Doran,.


Minutes of the Previous Meeting: The minutes of the previous meeting were approved as a true record.


Proposed by: Kevin Swarze


Seconded by: Frank Boyle



Matters Arising: No matters arising

Visitors/new members: Joe Hardicker, North West Regional Secretary.


Chairman’s Report: The Chairman welcomed members to our first meeting since March, now being held in a new venue. Not only is the barracks that we normally meet under restricted access, but we would not be able to maintain social distancing in the social club that we use. The Aintree Conservative Club had a large room that we could use, access to a bar and adequate car parking. Joe Hardicker, the NW Region Secretary had provided a quantity of face masks, and hand sanitising gel had been placed at strategic places. He said that the venue was likely to be our home for the foreseeable future and would heed the feedback from members .

He said that contact phone calls were continuing to be made to the older members but was pleased to report that there had been no reports of any members with welfare problems. He reminded members that the Secretary would soon be stepping down and invited likely candidates for the office to make themselves known. So far there had only been one expression of interest. He thanked the Secretary for the manner in which he had discharged his duties. This was followed by a round of applause.


Welfare Report; The Treasurer reported that he had been in touch with Tug Wilson at the Royal Chelsea Hospital, and had found him to be in good form. As a result of a number of problems the Hospital had gone back into lock-down. He had also been in touch with Vic Southern who had intended to attend the meeting at the new venue, but hadn’t arrived, no doubt due to transport difficulties. He also reported with some regret that Frank Doran’s condition had now deteriorated.


Correspondence & Secretaries Report: The Secretary reported that he had received the monthly mail drop consisting of the newsletter from the National Secretary, Maj. Paul Raison, at PRA, RHQ. He said that he had forwarded the newsletter by email to members and that a hard copy of the newsletter was available for perusal. 

He reported that in view of the lock-down situation, the North West Regional Committee had held two video conference meetings that had proved to be a great success. One of the advantages is that it means that branch representatives do not need to travel, (in some cases quite long distances) to meetings.

The Secretary reported, with great regret, that the Regional President, Lt. Col. Dave Macaulay had resigned his position. He then went on to appraise the members of the circumstances that led to his resignation. This was received with a great deal of anguish by the members and Kevin Swarze expressed his views on the matter in no uncertain terms. He suggested that the Secretary send a letter to Col. Macaulay pledging the support of the Liverpool Branch and to ask him to reconsider his decision. The secretary said that he had already done this by a lengthy telephone conversation with Col. Macaulay. Joe Hardicker informed the members that Col. Macaulay was a full time officer responsible for liaison with the civil authorities for emergencies including the current corona-virus situation and was working under a great deal of pressure. He was also organising the transfer of cancelled ABFD80 to 2021, which involved a great deal of his time. The Trevor Brown saga has been recently resurrected by communications with Gen. Lorimer and threats to take the matter directly to Prince Charles in his capacity as Colonel in Chief of the Regiment. As Col. Macaulay also has a young family the current situation with the Bolton Branch seems to be the straw that broke the camels back.


Treasurer & Social Secretary's report: The Treasurer gave out copies of his usual summary of the current financial position of the branch for members to peruse, and gave explanations for the various financial transactions and answered a number of questions asked by members. He then briefed members on the recent committee meeting that had recently met in order to discuss what the branch was planning, at the suggestion of Col. Harkon, under our ‘Well-being’ programme. He said that initially a Liverpool city walk was being planned that would be about 2½ miles in length and include a refreshment stop. Arrangements had been made to carry out a recce walk to establish points of interest etc.


Any Other Business: Maj. Frank Boyle stressed that the walk would not be an endurance test but more of a social event for members that were feeling a bit stressed with the lock-down to get them out and about and help them with their physical and mental welfare. He also confirmed that he intended organising a few bike rides with the same objective. He pointed out that grant monies for these sort of events needs to be spent and intends to form a sub committee to organise some cycle runs. He stressed that it was important for members to remain active. A member reminded the committee that the branch had made a donation to Broughton House in respect of a member of staff that was making a parachute jump for the charity, and asked if the jump had ever been carried out. Maj. Boyle said that he didn’t know the answer but would make due enquiries and report back at the next meeting. Maj. Elaine Overend gave details of an Arnhem veteran who would soon be enjoying his 100th birthday and suggested that the branch send him a birthday card. She agreed to purchase and send an appropriate card and would be reimbursed the cost. Kevin Swarze proposed that the branch purchase a condolence card and regimental wreath in respect of the late Capt. Ken Renny. Maj. Overend said that she would attend to it. She also mentioned that as a result of the corona-virus regulations, street collections have been banned this year which would have a negative effect on poppy sales and there was some doubt about whether the Remembrance Sunday parades will go ahead this year.


Future events:

12th August 11.00am: Reccy for proposed Liverpool City walk. Meet outside Central Station.

13th September : Arnhem service, Somerby.

17th-20th September: Arnhem 76, Netherlands (restricted events and access).

5th November: Field of remembrance, Westminster Abbey.

7th November: PARAS10, Colchester.

10th July 2021: Airborne forces Day (ABFD80) Tatton Park.


Close Meeting: 9.00pm


Date of next meeting: Tuesday 1st September 2020

Pegasus Coy 10 miler-1.jpg

The Parachute Regimental Association
Liverpool Branch

Colonel (Ret,d) J. Harkon MBE TD. DL


Registered Charity Number 1125765


Chairman: Bruce Cargill 0151 474 2479

Secretary: Arthur Cheetham, 0151 632 3887

 Treasurer: Michael Hurst 0151 547 4776


 Minutes of the Meeting held at the Army Reserve Centre, Mather Avenue,
Tuesday 3rd March 2020


Present:  50 members signed in and the meeting was formally opened by the  Chairman, at 8.00pm.  After the formal opening, the Chairman reminded members that as this meeting was the AGM the committee would now be dissolved and a new committee elected.  He then handed over the proceedings to Col. Harkon, Branch President.  Col. Harkon informed the members that with the exception of the Secretary, the outgoing committee were all prepared to serve another term. He asked if there were other nominations  for any of the positions on the committee, with a negative response. In view of this he called for a show of hands to re-elect the committee, resulting in 100% in favour, leaving the position of Secretary unfilled. The outgoing Secretary said that he had circulated a job description of the position which may have put off  some likely candidates but felt it only fair to be clear what the position involved. He said that in the circumstances he would not leave the position unfilled and would be prepared to soldier on for another term. John Milliken said that although he would be unable to carry out all the duties of Secretary, he was prepared to act in the capacity of assistant secretary and provide cover when the Secretary was not available. John was thanked for his offer, which was accepted, and the Secretary said that he would continue to represent the Liverpool Branch at regional level. The Chairman then resumed control of the meeting.


Apologies for absence:  Apologies were received from :-  Col. Steve Boardman, Maj. Frank Boyle, Maj. Terry Stott, Maj. Arthur Naughton, Harry Dutton, Tug Wilson, John McNaughton, Ted Martin, Len Nichol, Willy Barney, Len Munnerley, George Rawsthorne, Sid Stephens, Allan McDonald, Eddie Jones, Peter Blackmore, Tony Pettigrew, Joe Pettigrew, Tom O'Neil, Peter Nicholson, Steve Cook, Kevin Hughes Peter Smedley, Jim Quinn, Brian Jenkins, Ned Kelly, Steve Cheetham,  Wally Thornburn, Danny Hart, Billy Young, Bob Magee, Kevin Hughes, Phil Atkinson, and Jimmy O’Connell.

Minutes of the Previous Meeting:  The minutes of the previous meeting were approved as a true record.

Proposed by:  Frank Doran
Seconded by: Dave Woodray


Matters Arising: No matters arising.


Visitors/new members: No visitors 


Chairman’s Report:  The Chairman reminded members that the funeral of Geoff Morris would take place the following day and asked for a good turnout. He reminded members that Geoff had been a very active member of the branch and had been the Secretary for several years .  He also gave out details of the funeral arrangements for Bill Conway, the former Chairman of the Wirral Branch and asked members could give a good turnout in support of the Wirral Branch.


Welfare Report: The Chairman, updated members with the current situation regarding the long term sick. He reported that he had made contact with most of our members with health problems.

Correspondence & Secretaries Report: The Secretary reported that he had received the monthly mail drop consisting of the newsletter from the National Secretary, Maj. Paul Raison, at PRA, RHQ.  He said that he had forwarded the newsletter by email to members and that a hard copy of the newsletter was available for perusal.

Treasurer & Social Secretary's report: The Treasurer gave out copies of his usual summary of the  current  financial   position of the branch for members to peruse, and gave explanations for the various financial transactions and answered a number of questions asked by members. The treasurer said that he had received copies of new terms and conditions for booking facilities at the Adelphi which he was not happy with and was now looking for an alternative venue for our annual Christmas  Luncheon. He      conformed that a 50 seater coach had been booked for the AGM at the National Memorial Arboretum.

Any Other Business: Frank Doran expressed concern that the Royal British Legion seemed to be in the process of closing down a number of Liverpool branches. There followed some discussion regarding the reasons for the closures. The Treasurer said that he would make enquiries into the matter and report back at the next meeting.   
Joining member, Ian Whiteside, updated members on the progress being made with the “health and well being” project and reported that the forms completed and submitted by members had been very helpful in planning the activities. He outlined plans for activities as a result of members suggestions in the survey. One example that he gave was walking football. Another idea was compiling a history of 4 Para. The Chairman announced that it was Col. Harkon’s birthday on 23rd March and presented him with an appropriately decorated birthday cake. This was followed by a round of applause and a chorus of “Happy Birthday”. This was followed by an “airborne stew”, which was up to the usual high standard of Master Chef Bruce Cargill.


Future events:    
20 - 22 March 2020.  3 PARA Reunion   Blackpool,

20-26 March 2020.  Ardennes/Rhine Crossing  France, Belgium, Germany.


20 - 23 March 2020.  Ardennes.

23 - 26 March 2020. Rhine Crossing.

24 March 2020. Op VARSITY Act of Remembrance Marks Hall, Earls Colne The Service starts at 1050 hrs. Please allow time as it is some distance from the entrance. Lunch/ refreshments will be available in the tea room afterwards.
9 May 2020. 4 PARA Reunion   Leeds    POC: Les Ratcliffe, 07711 853103 or Lt. Col. Dave Macaulay,  07731 824247.


16 May 2020. PARAS 10    Colchester 20 Jun 20  PRA Annual General Meeting, National Memorial Arboretum.


20 June 2020.  Regimental commemoration  Service, National Memorial Arboretum.

5th July 2020. 50 mile bike ride to Chester and back. See Maj. Frank Boyle for further details.

11th July 2020. Airborne Forces Day80 —Tatton Park (See secretary for tickets}

Date of next meeting: Tuesday 7th April 2020
Meeting Closed: at 9.15pm


Pegasus Coy 10 miler-1.jpg

The Parachute Regimental Association
Liverpool Branch

Colonel (Ret,d) J. Harkon MBE TD. DL


Registered Charity Number 1125765


Chairman: Bruce Cargill 0151 474 2479

Secretary: Arthur Cheetham, 0151 632 3887

 Treasurer: Michael Hurst 0151 547 4776


 Minutes of the Meeting held at the Army Reserve Centre, Mather Avenue,
Tuesday 4th February 2020



Present:  48 members signed in and the meeting was formally opened by the  Chairman, at 8.00pm. 

Apologies for absence:  Apologies were received from :- Col. Steve Boardman, Maj. Roy Bevan, Maj. Terry Stott, Maj. Arthur Naughton, Harry Dutton, Tug Wilson, John McNaughton, Geoff Morris, Ted Martin, Len Nichol, Willy Barney, Tom Barney, Ken Barney, Len Munnerley, George Rawsthorne, Eddie Jones, Peter Blackmore, Tony Pettigrew, Joe Pettigrew, Tom O'Neil, Richie Clatworthy, Dave Woodray, Peter Nicholson, Steve Cook, and  Kevin Hughes. 


Minutes of the Previous Meeting: The minutes of the previous meeting were approved as a true record.


Proposed by:  Sid Stephens

Seconded by: Sid Tom McCormack


Matters Arising:  Maj. Boyle reported that only 4 persons had turned up for the first cycling training session for the Liverpool to Chester bike ride. He said that he hoped that the numbers would increase as the weather improved. Visitors/new members:   Visitor, Ian Whiteside, accompanied by  Patrick Goodison, reported on the first meeting of the “health and well being” project held at Beacon Counselling Trust on Friday 24th January. The first meeting had been well attended by members and the interest displayed had been very positive. They said that the Trust had received a financial grant to pay for the project and they went on to outline the     object and welcomed members informing them of how they could benefit. In order to assess their needs, interested members were asked to complete a pro-forma that was distributed. The next meeting was scheduled to be held at 4.00pm on Friday 21st February at the premises of Beacon Counselling Trust.

Chairman’s Report: The Chairman confirmed that in view of the tightened security situation, all members should be in passion of the new identity card. He informed members that the £3.00 administration fee would be paid for from branch funds. He said that anyone requiring the new type card should obtain an application form from the Secretary which after completion should be handed to the Treasurer together with a recent passport photograph.


Welfare Report; The Chairman, updated members with the current situation regarding the long term sick. He reported that he had made contact with most of our members with health problems. Mike Hurst reported that whilst in London he had called at the Royal Chelsea  Hospital to see Tug Wilson. He called again a few days later and found Tug to be much improved.At the time Tug was suffering from respiratory problems and not up to receiving visitors. He also visited John McNaughton and found him to be much improved.
Maj. Overend reminded members that George Rawsthorne would appreciate visits from members at:


Holcroft Grange Care Home,
WA3 4DZ.
Contact: Adrian Rawsthorne (son)
Mobile: 07476 680674.


Correspondence & Secretaries Report:  The Secretary reported that he had received the monthly mail drop consisting of the newsletter from the National Secretary, Maj. Paul Raison, at PRA, RHQ. He reminded members that the Newsletter was available for perusal.

The Secretary also reminded members that the March meeting would be the AGM, when the committee would stand down. As far as he was aware the present committee, with the exception of himself, were willing to serve again if re-elected. He again pointed out that all the positions could be contested and if necessary a ballot would be held. He then outlined the procedure for conducting the election.


Treasurer & Social Secretary's report: The Treasurer gave out copies of his usual summary of the current financial   position of the branch for members to peruse, and gave explanations for the various financial transactions and answered a number of questions asked by members. He explained why the £400.00 donation to the North West Region was not shown on this month’s balance sheet, but would be shown next month. The Treasurer confirmed that the Liverpool Branch of the PRA had been recommended for the City Council’s Freedom Roll of Association award and that he had written to the City Council confirming our acceptance. The award is expected to be ratified by the full Council in March. This nomination is the highest award that the City Council can bestow on an organisation. Col. Harkon congratulated the    members for their contribution in making this award possible. The treasurer further confirmed that the Adelphi had again been booked for the Christmas luncheon and a 50 seater coach had been booked for the AGM at the National Memorial Arboretum.


Any Other Business: Maj. Overend updated members on the allegation that a former chairman of the Liverpool branch of the RBL had misappropriated a significant sum of money from the RBL. Although the matter had been reported to the police they had declined to prosecute due to a lack of evidence. Maj. Overend said that further evidence was being considered by the police. She said that if the police still declined to prosecute, she felt that there was sufficient evidence for the RBL to bring a private prosecution, but they were reluctant to do so and she asked if the branch would support a private prosecution in view of the fact that the accused person purported to have been a member of the Parachute Regiment and used to wear the maroon beret together with the regimental cap badge and other items of regimental regalia on appropriate occasions. It has since been established that he has never served or had any association with the Regiment. After a great deal of discussion it was concluded that the alleged misappropriation and the claim to have been a member of the Regiment were two different issues and that the branch had no formal connection with the RBL. In view of this the consensus was that the branch declined to get involved with the matter.

The Chairman announced that it was Arnhem Vet, Joe McAllister’s 96th birthday and presented him with an appropriately decorated birthday cake. This was followed by a round of applause and a chorus of “Happy Birthday”.


Future events:   

2020 6 - 8 Mar 2020:
2 PARA Reunion Blackpool POC: Dave Singletary Mobile: 07940 576977 

12 - 16 Mar 2020:
1 PARA Reunion Blackpool POC: Arthur Mullander Mobile: 07747 155261

20 - 22 Mar 2020:
3 PARA Reunion Blackpool

20-26 Mar 2020:
Ardennes/Rhine Crossing France, Belgium, Germany

20 - 23 Mar 2020:

23 - 26 Mar 2020:
Rhine Crossing

24 Mar 2020: 
OPERATION VARSITY: Act of Remembrance Marks Hall, Earls Colne.
The Service starts at 1050 hrs. Please allow time as it is some distance from the entrance.
Lunch/ refreshments will be available in the tea room afterwards.

9 May 2020:
4 PARA Reunion Leeds POC: Les Ratcliffe, mobile 07711 853103 or Lt. Col. Dave Macaulay, mobile 07731 824247

16 May 2020:
PARAS 10 Colchester.

20 Jun 2020: 
PRA Annual General Meeting, National Memorial Arboretum 20 Jun 20 Regimental commemoration Service, National Memorial Arboretum.

5th July 2020:
50 mile bike ride to Chester and back.
See Maj. Frank Boyle for further details.
11th July 2020:
Airborne Forces Day80 —Tatton Park (See secretary for tickets}


Date of next meeting: Tuesday 3rd March 2020.

Meeting Closed: at 9.15pm

Pegasus Coy 10 miler-1.jpg

The Parachute Regimental
Liverpool Branch

Colonel (Ret,d) J. Harkon MBE TD. DL

 Registered Charity Number 1125765


Chairman: Bruce Cargill                         Secretary: Arthur Cheetham              Treasurer: Michael Hurst 
0151 474 2479                                                  0151 625 7361                                        0151 547 477        

   Minutes of the Annual General Meeting held at the Army Reserve Centre, Mather Avenue,
Tuesday 7th January 2020


44 members signed in and the meeting was formally opened by the Chairman, at 8.00 pm. Apologies for absence: Apologies were received from- Col. Steve Boardman, Maj. Terry Stott, Maj. Arthur Naughton, Harry Dutton, Tug Wilson, John McNaughton, Geoff Morris, Ted Martin, Len Nichol, Willy Barney, Len Munnerley, George Rawsthorne, Steve Sankey, Eddie Jones, Peter Blackmore, Bobby Hamblet, Richie Smythe Steve Cheetham, Ned Kelly, Steve Gray, Tony Pettigrew, Joe Pettigrew, Tom O'Neil, Richie Carol, Mark Jackson, Steve Gray, Brian Welsh, and Colin Hughes.


Minutes of the Previous Meeting:
The minutes of the previous meeting were approved as a true record.


Proposed by: Kevin Swarze


Seconded by Sid Stephens


Matters Arising: Maj. Boyle reported that 16 members had taken part in the 10-miler and had raised a considerable amount in sponsorship which had been donated to cover the expenses incurred taking our veterans to Arnhem. He then went on to talk about future plans for money-raising future events which would include a 50-mile bike ride to Chester and back. He said that if we could all pull together we could achieve anything.


Visitors/new members:
Visitor Ian Whiteside introduced himself and gave an account of his service with 4 Para. This was followed by a round of applause from the members.


Chairman’s Report:
The Chairman opened his address by wishing the members the compliments of the season followed by a summary of the branch's activities during the year 2019. He said that the branch was in a healthy state and still growing and that all the events that we had taken part in had been well attended. He made particular mention of the massive attendance for the funerals of two of our members, Joe Mawdsley (Arnhem veteran) and Ossie Osborne (WW2 veteran). Both of these veterans were very highly thought of by all who knew them and will be sadly missed. Welfare Report; The Chairman, updated members with the current situation regarding the long term sick. He reported that he had made contact with most of our members with health problems and that Geoff Morris’s health had unfortunately deteriorated and he was now in a care home. Ken Barney reported that he had been in touch with Jimmy Oram and that he was still in a bad way with his mobility problems. Maj. Overend said that George Rawsthorne’s health had also deteriorated and he was now in the care home detailed below and would appreciate visits from members. Holcroft Grange Care Home, Warrington, WA3 4DZ. Contact: Adrian Rawsthorne (son) 07476 680674.


Correspondence & Secretaries Report:
The Secretary reported that he had nothing to report regarding correspondence, as he had not yet received the monthly mail drop from RHQ (but received it the following morning along with correspondence from the Regional Secretary). The Secretary informed the members that he would be standing down at the end of the present term and would not be seeking re-election at the AGM in March. He said that the main reason why he did not wish to carry on was due mainly to health issues coupled with the fact that he had occupied the position for nearly 10 years and felt that it was time to stand down and give somebody else a chance. He said that although one member has volunteered to take over from him if anyone else wanted to throw their hat in the ring, we would hold a ballot. He pointed out that any candidates would need to have access to a computer and printer and would need some sort of office software. He said that he would like to remain on the committee and was prepared to coach the new Secretary and cover for the Secretary during periods of absence. Kevin Swarze proposed a vote of thanks for the Secretary which was followed by a round of applause.


Treasurer & Social Secretary's report:

The Treasurer gave out a summary of the current financial position for members to peruse, and gave explanations for the various financial transactions and answered a number of questions asked by members. He said that in view of an improvement in our circumstances he had been able to pay the sum that had been promised to the N W Region and had received an expression of appreciation from the regional secretary, Joe Hardicker. The Treasurer went on to say that in view of the present security situation it was essential that members were in a position to produce their ID cards when attending meetings at the barracks and that preferably they should be in possession of the new type of card. In view of this, he asked all members with the old type I D card to bring a passport photograph to the next meeting. They would be issued with the appropriate form to complete and hand to the Treasurer. He announced that the branch would pay the £3.00 admin fee and that he would send off the completed forms, together with the photos and a cheque to RHQ. He reminded them that the annual branch subscription was now due and should be paid at the February meeting. The cost was still pegged at £30.00 but he confirmed that he would accept monthly payments from members who had difficulty in raising the amount in one go.


Any Other Business:

Tony Woods expressed his personal tribute to Ossie Osborne following his recent death which was followed by a round of applause from the members. It was announced that the entry on Facebook concerning Ossie’s funeral had received over 47,000 hits. Maj. Frank Boyle announced that he was organising a 50-mile bike ride to Chester and back on Sunday 5th July. Anyone wishing to take part in this event should contact Maj. Boyle. There will be an initial meeting this Sunday, 12th January, at 9.00 am, at the Horse and Jockey pub. Maj. Boyle informed everyone that the PRA Nation AGM and the Regimental Commemoration Service would take place on Saturday 20th June, at the National Memorial Arboretum. He said that it was not too early to start planning for the event and in order to gauge the level interest he asked those who intended to go to put their hands up. This resulted in some 22+ hands being raised. Capt. Neil Platt informed the members that the PRA had been awarded a sum of money from the National Lottery to be used to formulate a programme of physical activities “...that stimulates and engages its members in relevant mental health and wellbeing improving activities over a 12 month period”. He emphasised that activities could be tailored to accommodate the disabled. After explaining the benefits of exercise programmes he handed over to his colleague, Ian Whiteside, a qualified mountain leader, who explained the health and well-being benefits of walking in the countryside.


Future events: 2020

06 - 8 Mar 20.  2 PARA Reunion Blackpool POC: Dave Singletary Mob: 07940 576977


12 - 16 Mar 20.   1 PARA Reunion Blackpool POC: Arthur Mullander Mob: 07747 155261  


20 - 22. Mar 20.    3 PARA Reunion Blackpool


20 - 26. Mar 20. Ardennes/Rhine Crossing France, Belgium, Germany


20 - 23. Mar 20. Ardennes


23 - 26. Mar 20. Rhine Crossing


24 Mar 20. Op VARSITY Act of Remembrance Marks Hall, Earls Colne The Service starts at 1050 hrs. Please allow time as it is some distance from the entrance. Lunch/ refreshments will be available in the tea room afterwards.


09 May 20. 4 PARA Reunion Leeds POC: Les Ratcliffe, 07711 853103 or Col. Dave Macaulay, 07731 824247


16 May 20. PARAS 10 Colchester 20 Jun 20 PRA Annual General Meeting, National Memorial Arboretum


20 Jun 20 Regimental commemoration Service, National Memorial Arboretum


5th July 20 50 mile bike ride to Chester and back. See Maj. Frank Boyle for further details


Date of next meeting:

Tuesday 4th February 2020


Meeting Closed: at 9.15 pm

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