The Parachute Regimental
Liverpool Branch
Colonel (Ret,d) J. Harkon MBE TD. DL
Registered Charity Number 1125765
Chairman: Bruce Cargill Secretary: Arthur Cheetham Treasurer: Michael Hurst
0151 474 2479 0151 625 7361 0151 547 477
Minutes of the Annual General Meeting held at the Army Reserve Centre,
Mather Avenue,
Tuesday 3rd December 2019
45members signed in and the meeting was formally opened by the Chairman, at 8.00 pm.
Apologies for absence: Apologies were received from :
Col. Joe Harkon, Col. Steve Boardman, Capt. Neil Platt, Maj. Roy Bevan, Maj. Terry Stott, Maj. Arthur Naughton, Harry Dutton, Tug Wilson, John McNaughton, Geoff Morris, Ted Martin, Len Nichol, Ossie Osborne, Willy Barney, Ken Barney, Len Munnerley, George Rawsthorne, Steve Sankey, Eddie Jones, Peter Blackmore, Bobby Hamblet, Richie Smythe Steve Cheetham, Ned Kelly, Kevin Swarze, Steve Gray, Tony Pettigrew, Joe Pettigrew, Tom Nevin, Tom O'Neil, Richie Carol, Richie Smythe, and Alan Nelson.
Minutes of the Previous Meeting:
The minutes of the previous meeting were approved as a true record.
Proposed by: Maj. Frank Boyle
Seconded by: Tom Barney
Matters Arising:
There were no matters arising.
Visitors/new members:
There were no visitors or new members.
Chairman’s Report:
The Chairman opened his report by complementing the members on a “fantastic turnout” for Remembrance Sunday with 106 members marching on the parade and a total of 110 posing for the group photograph on the steps of Liverpool Central Library. He also thanked the members for such a good turnout for Joe Maudsley's funeral and paid tribute to the six members for the excellent manner in which they discharged their duty as pallbearers.
Welfare Report;
The Chairman, updated members with the current situation regarding the long term sick. He reported that he and the Chairman had been to see Ossie at Broughton House following his discharge from hospital and had met Ossie’s daughter who was very upset about her father’s poor health although he seemed to be improving a bit.
Correspondence & Secretaries Report:
The Secretary reported having received the mail drop from RHQ which consisted of Maj. Paul Raison’s monthly newsletter together with an update on the “Bloody Sunday” situation and said that these documents were available for perusal by members. He then reported on the extraordinary meeting that he had attended at Fulwood Barracks, in his capacity of Regional Chairman, regarding the plans for the ABF 80th anniversary. After outlining the various matters that were discussed, he said that the Regional Treasurer had indicated that in order to secure the venue and various services he would need a substantial cash float and asked if every branch could donate the sum of £100.00. This proposition was put to a vote resulting in the unanimous approval of the members. The treasurer said that he would send a check to the Regional Treasurer. The Secretary said that he had received a Christmas card to the branch from Harry Dutton together with a letter conveying his seasonal greetings to his many good friends in the branch. His cheque for his out of town membership was passed to the treasurer.
Treasurer & Social Secretary's report:
The Treasurer gave out a summary of the current financial position for members to peruse, and gave explanations for the various financial transactions. He said that the cheque for the National Lottery grant had been received and banked and pointed out that this grant could only be used for the purposes provided with our application. Any Other Business: Tony Woods gave an account of his early days of marriage including spending Christmas in a new house, which was followed by a round of applause. Maj. Overend Informed members that 4 Para had managed to raise £12,500 for the Poppy Appeal in Liverpool and our own John Search had raised £2,500 himself, and a total amount of £62,000 had been raised throughout Liverpool. This was followed by a big round of applause from the members. This sum had highlighted the apparent discrepancies in previous years when a different treasurer was in the post and the RBL were calling for a police enquiry into the matter.
Future events: 2020
6 - 8 Mar 20 2 PARA Reunion Blackpool POC: Dave Singletary Mob: 07940 576977
12 - 16 Mar 20 1 PARA Reunion Blackpool POC: Arthur Mullander Mob: 07747 155261
20 - 22 Mar 20 3 PARA Reunion Blackpool
20-26 Mar 20 Ardennes/Rhine Crossing France, Belgium, Germany
20 - 23 Mar 20 Ardennes
23 - 26 Mar 20 Rhine Crossing
24 Mar 20 Op VARSITY Act of Remembrance Marks Hall, Earls Colne The Service starts at 1050 hrs. Please allow time as it is some distance from the entrance. Lunch/ refreshments will be available in the tea room afterwards.
9 May 20 4 PARA Reunion Leeds POC: Les Ratcliffe, 07711 853103 or Dave Macaulay, 07731 824247
16 May 20 PARAS 10 Colchester
20 Jun 20 PRA Annual General Meeting National Memorial Arboretum
20 Jun 20 Regimental commemoration Service National Memorial Arboretum
Date of next meeting:
Tuesday 7th January 2020
Meeting Closed: at 9.15 pm

The Parachute Regimental
Liverpool Branch
Colonel (Ret,d) J. Harkon MBE TD. DL
Registered Charity Number 1125765
Chairman: Bruce Cargill Secretary: Arthur Cheetham Treasurer: Michael Hurst
0151 474 2479 0151 625 7361 0151 547 477
Minutes of the Annual General Meeting
held at the Army Reserve Centre,
Mather Avenue,
Tuesday 5th November 2019
Present: 42 members signed in plus 2 guests, including the PRA North West Regional President, Lt. Col. Dave Macaulay, and the meeting was formally opened by the Chairman, at 8.00 pm.
Apologies for absence: Apologies were received from:- Col. Steve Boardman, Capt. Neil Platt, Maj. Terry Stott, Maj. Arthur Naughton, Harry Dutton, Tug Wilson, John McNaughton, Geoff Morris, Ted Martin, Frank Doran, Len Nichol, Ossie Osborne, Willy Barney, Len Munnerley, Geoff Woods, George Rawsthorne, Steve Sankey, Alan Smedley, Keith Woods, Steve Cheetham, Jim Quinn, Peter Blackmore, Bob Magee, Bobby Hamblet, Billy Young, Wally Thornburn, Richie Smythe and Chairman, Bruce Cargill.
Minutes of the Previous Meeting: The minutes of the previous meeting were approved as a true record.
Proposed by: Peter Smedley
Seconded by: Kevin Swarze
Matters Arising: There were no matters arising.
Visitors/new members: The Vice Chairman, welcomed visitor Brian Jenkins. After giving a resume of his army background he received a round of applause from the members present.
Chairman’s Report: The Vice Chairman Maj. Frank Boyle, reported that it was his sad duty to inform the members that our Arnhem veteran Joe Mawdsley had died that day and had passed away quietly in his sleep. He said that Joe had been on the annual trip to Arnhem and had been on form and had really enjoyed himself. Col. Joe Harkon suggested that we inform the Border Regimental Association of Joe’s passing.
(NB Enquiries revealed that the Border Regimental Association was dissolved in 1975. The curator of the Regimental Museum was already aware of Joe’s passing and I will keep him informed f the funeral arrangements once they become known. Arthur C. )
Maj. Boyle said that it had been a great year for the branch and that he was looking forward to us showing our strength with a good turnout on Remembrance Sunday. He emphasised that he expected a high standard of dress from members taking part in the parade and that the wearing of jeans or any other scruffy order of dress would not be acceptable and that the preferred order of dress is a blazer or smart jacket, together with beret and regimental tie.
He reported that the members who attended the Liverpool Scottish Regiment annual reunion dinner at the Adelphi Hotel this year had occupied two tables this year and had spent a really enjoyable evening with an excellent meal and the music provided by the pipes and drums.
Welfare Report; The Vice Chairman, updated members with the current situation regarding the long term sick. He reported that he and the Chairman had been to see Ossie at Broughton House following his discharge from hospital and had met Ossie’s daughter who was very upset about her father’s poor health although he seemed to be improving a bit.
Correspondence & Secretaries Report: The Secretary reported that as he had been galivanting on the continent with his caravan again and that due to his absence he had nothing to report. He expressed his appreciation for John Milliken covering for him while he had been away.
Treasurer & Social Secretary's report: The Treasurer gave out a summary of the current financial position for members to peruse, and gave explanations for the various financial transactions. He confirmed that the Adelphi had been booked again for the buffet luncheon following the Remembrance Sunday parade. He confirmed that the annual Christmas luncheon would again take place at the Adelphi Hotel and that the tickets would be £25.00 per person. He pointed out that as the number of places available was limited and he would deal with the matter under the first-come-first-served basis. As the Christmas Luncheon is a popular event, it resulted in a long queue quickly forming at his table at the end of the formal part of the meeting by members clutching banknotes.
Any Other Business: The Treasurer reported that the branch had been awarded the sum of £7,800.00 to be used for the benefit of veterans. He said that this had been achieved with the active assistance of Capt. Neil Platt, who does a lot of work behind the scenes for the benefit of the branch.
Future events: 10.00 am Sunday 10th November 2019: Remembrance Sunday parade. Meeting place outside The Crown public house situated at the corner of Skelhorne Street and Lime Street.
Please note that the parade and main service will be followed by a further short service at the airborne memorial in St John’s Garden after which a group photograph will be taken on the steps of the public library in William Brown Street.
Annual Christmas luncheon: 12.00 pm Friday 6th December 2019: Annual Adelphi Hotel. See Treasurer, Mike Hurst to reserve your place(s)
Meeting Closed: at 8.50 pm
Date of next meeting: Tuesday 3rd December 2019.

The Parachute Regimental
Liverpool Branch
Colonel (Ret,d) J. Harkon MBE TD. DL
Registered Charity Number 1125765
Chairman: Bruce Cargill Secretary: Arthur Cheetham Treasurer: Michael Hurst
0151 474 2479 0151 625 7361 0151 547 477
Minutes of the Annual General Meeting
held at the Army Reserve Centre,
Mather Avenue,
Tuesday 1st October 2019
Present: 34 members signed in and the meeting was formally opened by the Chairman, at 8.00 pm.
Apologies for absence: Ted Martin, Joe Mawdsley, Brian Blanchard, Arthur Cheetham, Joe Harkon, Ossie Osbourne, Sid Wilson, George Rawsthorn, Kevin Hughes, Joe Pettigrew, Tony Pettigrew, Bobby Hamblet,Richie Smith, Jimmy Horam, Neil Platt, Bob Magee, Paul Milliken, Alan Rimmer, Tony Woods, Tom McCormac, Steve Sankey, Billy Young, Bob McGee, Peter Smedley, Peter Veevers.
Minutes of the Previous Meeting: The minutes of the previous meeting were approved as a true record.
Proposed by: Ken Barney
Seconded by: Phil Atkinson
Matters Arising: There were no matters arising.
Visitors / new members: None.
Welfare Reports: Acting as the welfare officer, Chairman Bruce Cargill reported that he had checked all on the welfare list. Joe Mawdsley is doing well, Geoff Morris has moved into care, Sid Wilson and John McNaughton could not be contacted however a number present had been in touch and confirmed that they are ding well.
Correspondence: Further details of Correspondence will have to await the return of the Secretary, Arthur Cheetham, in November.
Treasurer & Social Secretary's report: The Treasurer circulated copies of the latest statements and reported that the accounts had been audited by Brian Blanchard up to August 2019. The Treasurer mentioned his intention to write letters of thanks to the following:-
To the Beach family for £355 received following the Op Bold Guard Memorial.
Following Op Market Garden Service and luncheon:-
To Sid Wilson for £150 received.
To Father Wilson for the service.
To the Army Cadets
To The Lord Mayor.
To the Lord Lieutenant’s Department who paid for the choir and trumpeter.
To the Hotel Staff (as we may wish to return again)
To Arthur Cheetham’s friend for £25 subscription.
A letter of thanks will be sent to a resident of Oosterbeek, who hosted a number of members on the recent Arnhem visit, as recommended by Ken Barney.
Remembrance Sunday. What do we want?: Buffet and singer perhaps!
Raffle prizes or donations are required for the Christmas lunch.
Diary sales are going well. A letter has been sent to PRA HQ with a gentle reminder to complete sales.
Any Other Business: Treasurer Mike Hurst mentioned an anonymous report of bullying. He said he was not aware of anything that may have caused this and would never condone such actions. He invited any complainant to come forward and explain their grievance, an apology would be readily offered.
He also said that the Arnhem trip went well and the plaque from the two Joes was presented to the Staff of the Old Dutch bar in Arnhem. They were very pleased and it now hangs in the middle of the wall.
A list was opened for those wishing to attend the Liverpool Scottish re-union.
Kevin Swarze asked that the following formal entry be made into the minutes regarding an incident at the Op Bold Guard memorial in Glasgow Cathedral on 07.09.2019.
I would like the following points to be entered into the minutes regarding Edward Beech and the five 15 Para guys drowned at Keil on 11.09.74.
The points I wish to be entered are as follows:
That the five 15 Para all ranks had their wreaths laid by five commissioned officers in No2 dress, whereas Edward Beeches wreath was laid by a Tom (Private soldier) in Smock and Denims. My point is that this was not an oversight in any way, and therefore it was done for a reason. IT MUST have been known to the RSM, and possibly the CO?
I was corrected by others who also attended, who said that one of the commissioned Officers was, in fact, the RSM in No2s. I was further corrected in that the Tom who laid Edward Beeches wreath was not wearing Parachutists wings. Neil Platt spoke with the RSM immediately after the service and outside the Cathedral. I cannot speak for what was said, but I know Neil did complain.
In discussion with others, I believe the minutes should reflect what went on and generate a reply through the recognised channels, rather than reflect my personal opinions. I don’t want it to get out of hand BUT, I have to say that like others, I was disgusted by what I witnessed. To have done this in front of Eddie's family, who had travelled there at great expense is deplorable. I don't want to witter on, but I would appreciate that these points be recorded.
Future Events: Friday 25th October, the Liverpool Scottish Annual Re-union. Traditionally the PRA has had a large table at this event. The event involves a three-course meal in the Ballroom of the Adelphi hotel where the pipes and drums will perform. Meet at 6.00 pm in the Beehive moving to the Adelphi at 7.30 pm. The cost is £20 payable on the night. Contact Frank Boyle to reserve a place.
At the next meeting, there will be details of this years’ Remembrance Sunday event which will be at the Adelphi.
The Annual Christmas Dinner will be on Friday 6th December at 12 noon. Details at the next meeting.
Meeting Closed: at 9.00 pm Date of next meeting: Tuesday 5th November 2019.
Atkinson Phil, Barney Ken, Barney Tommy, Bevin Roy, Blackmore Peter, Boyle Frank, Brenan Alfie, Cargill Bruce, Carl Tony, Chatworthy Richie, Cheetham Steve, Cook Steve, Coppel Alan, Cox Roger, Doran Frank, Fortune Stan, Foster Gerry, Grey Steve, Hancock Tony, Hughes Colin, Hurst Mick, Jones Eddie, Kelly Ned, Lacey Mike, Mac Tommy, MacDonald Alan, Mcallister Joe, McAuley Phil, Miley Steve, Milliken John, Nevin Tom, Nicholson Peter, O'Brien Peter, O'Connell Jimmy, O'Neil Tom, Owen Dougie, Quin Jim, Richardson Jim, Rimmer Alan, Sankey Steve, Swarze Kevin, Smedley Alan, Stephens Sid, Thorburn Wally, Waddington Ron, Walsh Brian, Williams Frank, Wilson Tony, Woodray Dave, Woods Keith.

The Parachute Regimental
Liverpool Branch
Colonel (Ret,d) J. Harkon MBE TD. DL
Registered Charity Number 1125765
Chairman: Bruce Cargill Secretary: Arthur Cheetham Treasurer: Michael Hurst
0151 474 2479 0151 625 7361 0151 547 477
Minutes of the Annual General Meeting
held at the Army Reserve Centre,
Mather Avenue,
Tuesday 6th August 2019
Present: 53 members signed in and the meeting was formally opened by the Chairman, at 8.00pm.
Apologies for absence: Apologies were received from:- Col. Steve Boardman, Capt. Neil Platt, Maj. Terry Stott, Maj. Arthur Naughton, Harry Dutton, Tug Wilson, John McNaughton, Geoff Morris, Joe Mawdsley, Ted Martin, Frank Doran, Len Nichol, Ossie Osborne, Willy Barney, Len Munnerley, Geoff Woods, George Rawsthorne, Phil Atkinson, Jimmy Unsworth, Steve Sankey, Tony Woods, Alan Smedley, Richie Clatworthy, Ned Kelly, Brian Welch, Les Darcy and Bob Magee.
Minutes of the Previous Meeting: The minutes of the previous meeting were approved as a true record.
Proposed by: Bobby Hamblet
Seconded by: Pete Smedley
Matters Arising: There were no matters arising.
Visitors/new members: The Chairman welcomed two joining members Jim Quinn and Joe Keenan, who were both existing members of the PRA who wished to join the Liverpool Branch. They were: Jim Quinn, ex 2 Para and Joe Keenan, ex 4, 2 and 1 Para. After giving a resume of their army background they received a round of applause from the members present.
Chairman’s Report: The Chairman reported on the progress that he had made regarding the restoration of the two lances that had been presented to the branch earlier in the year. Col. Harkon reminded the members of the circumstances by which the branch had come into possession of the lances. There followed some discussion regarding a suitable venue to display the lances, in accordance with the donators wishes, once the restoration work was completed.
Welfare Reports: The Chairman, acting again in his capacity as Acting Welfare Officer, reported that George Rawsthorne had suffered a fall and had damaged his hip and that Joe Mawdsley had had a number of falls recently. He then updated members regarding the current situation regarding the long term sick.
Correspondence & Secretary’s Report: The Secretary reported that the minutes of the July meeting had been sent out to the members who had email facilities and apologised for being unable to produce printed copies for the meeting. This was due to his having just moved house and his printer still being in one of the 60+ brown cardboard boxes that were still awaited unpacking. He said that he would print a number of copies for the next meeting. He informed the members that he had received the mail drop from RHQ together with the minutes from some of the other North West Region branches and that these items were available for perusal by the members.
Treasurer & Social Secretary's report: The Treasurer gave out a summary of the current financial position and gave explanations for the various financial transactions. He reported that the problems caused by changing our bank had now been resolved and that our annual affiliation fee had finally been paid.
He said that the picture presented to the branch by the RAF Association had now been mounted framed and was available for inspection by members. It was intended for it to be presented to the “Old Dutch” pub.
He confirmed that the Atlantic Tower Hotel had been booked for the luncheon after the service at St. Nicks on the 15th September. He said that he had booked for a total of 120 members and guests but had only 81 names to date. He also confirmed that the cost of the meal would be met from branch funds. He also confirmed that the Adelphi had been booked for lunch after the Remembrance Sunday parade.
He said that he was disappointed that some 30 members had still not paid their annual branch subscription for 2019. He again confirmed that any members who were suffering financial difficulties could speak to him in absolute confidence and that he would either accept monthly payments or, in appropriate circumstances, waive the fee entirely. There was a suggestion from the floor that non-payers should be named and shamed. The Treasurer said that he was not prepared to do that and would endeavour to use other methods to deal with the matter.
Any Other Business: Tom Barney briefed the members on Operation Dragon. It was pointed out that standards would not be allowed at the proposed rally in support of “Soldier F” to be held at the Pier Head on Saturday.
Col. Joe Harkon updated members on the following topics:
1. Intro PRA AGM Elders meeting.
2. Battalion activities (focus on operational deployments) 1 Para, 2 Para, 3 Para and 4 Para.
3. Regimental issues. Manning & training.
4. Parachuting. Vacancies at Brize Norton, USA airframes, NATO aircraft.
5. 4 Para, 16 Air Ass Bd, new locations, South Wales (Newport), Northampton, Colchester & Altcar.
6. 5 Para?
7. Arnhem 75—Col. In Chief?
8. ITV Paras—Men of War.
9. PRA, Social Media, adverse publicity.
10. Merging of Para charities.
11. Northern Ireland Legacy Paul Rodgers.
Future events:
Sat. 7th September 2019: 45th anniversary of Operation Bold Guard commemoration service at 12.00pm at Glasgow Cathedral followed by march through Glasgow. Maj. Boyle said that 40 tickets had been ordered for the branch and that some 20 members of the Beach family wanted to attend.
15th September 2019: Op. Market Garden special service, St. Nicks followed by a meal at the Atlantic Tower Hotel. This service is being promoted as the Liverpool Branches' special event of the year and Canon Crispin would like to see the church filled for this service. The cost of the buffet luncheon will now be met from branch funds and members wishing to participate should see the Treasurer. It should be pointed out that a confirmed list of persons attending is required and the branch does not wish to pay for empty places and meals.
20th—22nd Sept. 2019: Arnhem 75th Commemorations Holland
Meeting Closed: at 8.50pm Date of next meeting: Tuesday 3rd September 2019.

The Parachute Regimental
Liverpool Branch
Colonel (Ret,d) J. Harkon MBE TD. DL
Registered Charity Number 1125765
Chairman: Bruce Cargill Secretary: Arthur Cheetham Treasurer: Michael Hurst
0151 474 2479 0151 625 7361 0151 547 477
Minutes of the Annual General Meeting
held at the Army Reserve Centre,
Mather Avenue,
Tuesday 2nd July 2019
Present: 47 members signed in and the meeting was formally opened by the Chairman, at 8.00pm.
Apologies for absence: Apologies were received from :- Col. Joe Harkon, Col. Steve Boardman, Maj. Roy Bevan, Capt. Neil Platt, Maj. Terry Stott, Maj. Arthur Naughton, Harry Dutton, Tug Wilson, John McNaughton, Geoff Morris, Joe Mawdsley, Ted Martin, Frank Doran, Len Nichol, Ossie Osborne, Richie Smythe, Willy Barney, Len Munnerly, Geoff Woods, George Rawsthorne, Allan McDonald, Sid Stephens, Tony Pettigrew, Danny Hart, Richie Carol, Alan Nelson, Stan Griffiths, Colin Hughes, Phil Macaulay, Ned Kelly, Tom Dempsey, Ron Lawson, Mark Smith, Phil Atkinson Jimmy O’Connell and Bob Magee.
Minutes of the Previous Meeting: The minutes of the previous meeting were approved as a true record.
Proposed by: Pete Kevin Swarze
Seconded by: Dave Woodray
Matters Arising: There were no matters arising.
Visitors/new members: Steve Harris (ex Liverpool Member) attended and stated that he was now a member of the Cleethorpes branch. He proceeded to give details of a rally at 1300 hrs on 10th July, at Liverpool Museum in support of “soldier F”. He then left the meeting.
Chairman’s Report: The Chairman said that the members who had attended the national AGM and Memorial Day had once again enjoyed a great day out. The weather had been kind again and was followed by an excellent meal. This had been followed by an excellent turnout by members the following weekend to celebrate Armed Forces Day.
Welfare Reports: The Chairman, acting in his capacity of Acting Welfare Officer, after saying he was so pleased to see Ken Barney at the meeting, gave members a comprehensive report of absentee members with health problems. He reminded members to keep him informed of anyone with health or welfare problems.
Correspondence & Secretary’s Report: The Secretary reported that he had received the monthly mail drop from RHQ together with the Newsletter from Paul Raison which had been circulated among the members with email facilities. He also had a hard copy available for members to read. He had also received copies of the minutes from Manchester and Bolton & District Branches.
Treasurer & Social Secretary's report: The Treasurer gave out a summary of the current financial position and gave explanations for the various financial transactions. He again drew attention to the fact that members were failing to turn up for events that they had put their names down for, and were failing to turn up on the day. As stated a number of times previously, such “no shows” would still be expected to pay for whatever costs that they had committed themselves to.
Any Other Business: Maj. Overend updated members regarding the activities of Sean Pullen, who is reported to have at least 5 aliases. He is now being investigated by the police who have recovered some £87,000 worth of RBL stock. He is currently on the run and members were asked to report any sightings.
Col. Joe Harkon updated members on the following topics:
1. Intro PRA AGM Elders meeting.
2. Battalion activities (focus on operational deployments) 1 Para, 2 Para, 3 Para and 4 Para.
3. Regimental issues. Manning & training.
4. Parachuting. Vacancies at Brize Norton, USA airframes, NATO aircraft.
5. 4 Para, 16 Air Ass Bd, new locations, South Wales (Newport), Northampton, Colchester & Altcar.
6. 5 Para?
7. Arnhem 75—Col. In Chief?
8. ITV Paras—Men of War.
9. PRA, Social Media, adverse publicity.
10. Merging of Para charities.
11. Northern Ireland Legacy Paul Rodgers.
Future events:
Sat. 7th September 2019: 45th anniversary of Operation Bold Guard commemoration service at 12.00pm at Glasgow Cathedral followed by march through Glasgow. Maj. Boyle said that 40 tickets had been ordered for the branch and that some 20 members of the Beach family wanted to attend.
15th September 2019: Op. Market Garden special service, St. Nicks followed by a meal at the Atlantic Tower Hotel. This service is being promoted as the Liverpool Branches' special event of the year and Canon Crispin would like to see the church filled for this service. The cost of the buffet luncheon will now be met from branch funds and members wishing to participate should see the Treasurer. It should be pointed out that a confirmed list of persons attending is required and the branch does not wish to pay for empty places and meals.
20th—22nd Sept. 2019: Arnhem 75th Commemorations Holland
Meeting Closed: at 8.50pm Date of next meeting: Tuesday 6th August 2019.

The Parachute
Regimental Association
Liverpool Branch
Colonel (Ret,d) J. Harkon MBE TD. DL
Registered Charity Number 1125765
Chairman: Bruce Cargill Secretary: Arthur Cheetham Treasurer: Michael Hurst
0151 474 2479 0151 625 7361 0151 547 477
Minutes of the Annual General Meeting
held at the Army Reserve Centre,
Mather Avenue,
Tuesday 7th May 2019
Present: 28 members signed in and the meeting was formally opened by the Chairman, at 8.00pm. (The low turnout was attributed to an important Liverpool F.C. home game v Barcelona).
Apologies for absence: Apologies were received from :- Col. Joe Harkon, Col. Steve Boardman, Capt. Neil Platt, Maj. Terry Stott, Maj. Arthur Naughton, Harry Dutton, Tug Wilson, John McNaughton, Geoff Morris, Joe Mawdsley, Ted Martin, Frank Doran, Allen Rimmer, Len Nichol, Ossie Osborne, Richie Smythe, Willy Barney, Len Munnerly, Geoff Woods, George Rawsthorne, Billy Young, Allan McDonald, Joe Pettigrew, Tony Pettigrew, Danny Hart, Richie Carol, Eddie Jones, Peter Blackmore, Alan Nelson, Steve Cheetham, Stan Griffiths, Colin Hughes, Phil Macaulay, Ned Kelly, Tom O’Neil, Tom Dempsey, Ron Lawson, Mark Smith, Kevin Swarze, Tom O’Neil and Bob Magee.
Minutes of the Previous Meeting: The minutes of the previous meeting were approved as a true record.
Proposed by: Pete Smedley
Seconded by: Colin Tomprefa
Matters Arising: There were no matters arising.
Visitors/new members: No visitors or new members.
Chairman’s Report: The Chairman said that he had been asked to attend a meeting in the Admin Office after our meeting but had no idea what it was about.
Welfare Reports: The Chairman, acting in his capacity of Acting Welfare Officer, gave members a comprehensive report of absentee members with health problems. He reminded members to keep him informed of anyone with health or welfare problems.
Correspondence & Secretary’s Report: The Secretary reported that he had received the monthly mail drop from RHQ together with the Newsletter from Paul Raison which had been circulated among the members with email facilities. He also had a hard copy available for members to read. He had also received copies of the minutes from Manchester, Bolton & District Branches.
Treasurer & Social Secretary's report: The Treasurer gave out a summary of the current financial position and gave explanations for the various financial transactions. In view of the minor discrepancies in the annual accounts found by our auditor and reported at the last meeting, he confirmed that arrangements have now been made to carry out an audit on a quarterly basis. He reported that he had received a donation to the branch from Paypal. He said that further consideration had been given regarding the cost of the luncheon following the church parade on 15th September. It was felt that the cost of a formal meal at a cost of £40.00 would prove to be too expensive for most members, even if subsidised from branch funds. It was felt that a buffet lunch at half the cost would be more appropriate and it was agreed that the cost would be met from branch funds. He said that a number of members had still not paid their annual branch subscriptions and that he would be writing to them and will draw their attention to the consequences of non-payment. He said that there were still 6 vacancies on the bus for the national AGM on 22nd June.
Any Other Business: Maj. Boyle said that Broughton House had published a resumé of Ossie Osborne’s service in the Regiment. He felt that it did not do justice to Ossie’s service and would endeavour to fill in the gaps. The Secretary reported that a further rally in support of Soldier F is planned & would be taking place in Manchester.
The time and date of the venue.
11.00am, Saturday 18th May 2019.
The Greenhouse
101- 110 Broadway
M50 2EQ
The organisers are hoping for a good turnout from ex-members of the Regiment and the PRA to bring publicity the gross injustice from the Establishment in respect of Soldier F.
The Treasurer pointed out that all the members that had put their names on the list of those attending the 4 Para reunion luncheon WILL be required to pay whether they attend or not.
Future events:
18th May 2019, 11.00am, The Greenhouse, 101-110 Broadway, Salford, M50 2EQ. Rally in support of Soldier F.
3rd—7th June 2019: Normandy 75th commemoration - France.
15th June 2019: PRA Sheffield Branch, veteran’s service followed by a meal.
22nd June 2019: PRA AGM National Memorial Arboretum.
22nd June 2019: Regimental Commemoration Service National Memorial Arboretum.
6th July 2019: Airborne Statue unveiling Aldershot Sat.
7th September 2019: 45th anniversary of Operation Bold Guard commemoration service at 12.00pm at Glasgow Cathedral followed by a march through Glasgow. Maj. Boyle said that 40 tickets had been ordered for the branch and that some 20 members of the Beech family wanted to attend.
15th September 2019: Op. Market Garden special service, St. Nicks followed by a meal at the Atlantic Tower Hotel. This service is being promoted as the Liverpool Branches' special event of the year and Canon Crispin would like to see the church filled for this service. The cost of the buffet luncheon will now be met from branch funds and members wishing to participate should see the Treasurer. It should be pointed out that a confirmed list of persons attending is required and the branch does not wish to pay for empty places and meals.
20th—22nd Sept. 2019: Arnhem 75th Commemorations Holland.
Meeting Closed: at 8.55pm
Date of next meeting: Tuesday 4th June 2019.
The Parachute
Regimental Association
Liverpool Branch
Colonel (Ret,d) J. Harkon MBE TD. DL
Registered Charity Number 1125765
Chairman: Bruce Cargill Secretary: Arthur Cheetham Treasurer: Michael Hurst
0151 474 2479 0151 625 7361 0151 547 477
Minutes of the Annual General Meeting
held at the Army Reserve Centre,
Mather Avenue,
Tuesday 2nd April 2019
Present: 55members signed in and the meeting was formally opened by the Chairman, at 8.00pm.
Apologies for absence: Apologies were from :- Col. Steve Boardman, Capt. Neil Platt, Maj. Terry Stott, Maj. Arthur Naughton, Harry Dutton, Tug Wilson, John McNaughton, Geoff Morris, Joe Mawdsley, Ted Martin, Frank Doran, Paul Milliken, Frank Doran, Allen Rimmer, Len Nichol, Ossie Osborne, Richie Smythe, Willy Barney, Len Munnerly, Geoff Woods, George Rawsthorne, Tom McCormick, Bob Magee, John Search, Billy Young, Allan McDonald, Sid Stephens, Joe Pettigrew, Tony Pettigrew, Danny Hart, Richie Carol, Eddie Jones, Peter Blackmore, Kevin Hughes, Alan Nelson, Steve Cheetham, Stan Griffiths, Colin Hughes, Phil Macaulay, Ned Kelly, Tom O’Neil, Tom Dempsey, Ron Lawson and Bob Magee.received
Minutes of the Previous Meeting: The minutes of the previous meeting were approved as a true record.
Proposed by: Allan Coppell
Seconded by: Tom Barney
Matters Arising: There were no matters arising.
Visitors/new members: Mick Riley was welcomed by the Chairman and invited to introduce himself and give the members a résumé of his military service.
Chairman’s Report: The Chairman reminded members that in view of the heightened security alert it was now essential that they should produce their I.D. cards to the guard on the gate when attending meetings. Although the guard has a list of our members, production of the I.D. card was an additional check. He reminded members that if they had lost their I.D. cards the Secretary had application forms to apply for replacements.
Welfare Reports: The Chairman, acting in his capacity of Acting Welfare Officer, gave members a comprehensive report of absentee members with health problems. He reminded members to keep him informed of anyone with health or welfare problems.
Correspondence & Secretary’s Report: The Secretary reported that he had received the mail drop from RHQ together with the Newsletter, from Paul Raison which had been circulated among the members with email facilities. He also had a hard copy available for members to read. He had also received copies of the minutes from Manchester, North Staffs and Central Lancs Branches.
Treasurer & Social Secretary's report: The Treasurer gave out a summary of the current financial position and gave explanations for the various financial transactions.
On completing an audit of the accounts for 2018 Brian Blanchard informed Mike Hurst that he had found some minor discrepancies and was unable to reconcile information without his (Mike Hurst) assistance which, as was agreed, is not the way an audit should be completed.
As a result of a subsequent discussion, it was agreed, by both, that the accounts this year will be audited quarterly so that any anomalies if they are to exist, are more easy to reconcile.
Any Other Business: Colin Hughes updated members regarding the Battle Back Centre (Lilleshall). The original purpose of the Centre was to provide assistance and support to service personnel returning from conflict zones. Their services have now been extended to all service veterans is funded by the Royal British Legion. Any member who requires further information should contact Colin or Maj. Overend. Tom Barney suggested that consideration is given to arranging a trip to the Regimental Museum at Duxford. As the 75th anniversary of the D Day landings would be taking place in June some 30+ Dakota aircraft would be gathering there with about 20 of the aircraft taking off from Duxford for a mass parachute drop in Normandy. As a trip to Duxford would require an overnight stay, it is likely that all local accommodation will be already fully booked.
Maj. Overend updated members regarding the Sean Pullen affair.and.
Future events:
11th May 2019: 4 Para Club annual reunion luncheon, Leeds, see Sec. for details
3rd—7th June 2019: Normandy 75th commemoration - France.
15th June 2019: PRA Sheffield Branch, veteran’s service followed by a meal.
22nd June 2019: PRA AGM National Memorial Arboretum
22nd June 2019: Regimental Commemoration Service National Memorial Arboretum
6th July 2019: Airborne Statue unveiling Aldershot
Sat. 7th September 2019: 45th anniversary of Operation Bold Guard commemoration service at 12.00pm at Glasgow Cathedral followed by a march through Glasgow. Maj. Boyle said that 40 tickets had been ordered for the branch and that some 20 members of the Beech family wanted to attend.
15th September 2019: Op. Market Garden special service, St. Nicks followed by a meal at the Atlantic Tower Hotel. This service is being promoted as the Liverpool Branches' special event of the year and Canon Crispin would like to see the church filled for this service. The cost of the luncheon will be £40.00 and members wishing to participate should see the Treasurer.
20th—22nd Sept. 2019: Arnhem 75th Commemorations Holland.
Meeting Closed: at 9.05pm
Date of next meeting: Tuesday 7th May 2019.

The Parachute
Regimental Association
Liverpool Branch
Colonel (Ret,d) J. Harkon MBE TD. DL
Registered Charity Number 1125765
Chairman: Bruce Cargill Secretary: Arthur Cheetham Treasurer: Michael Hurst
0151 474 2479 0151 625 7361 0151 547 4776
Minutes of the Annual General Meeting
held at the Army Reserve Centre,
Mather Avenue,
Tuesday 5th March 2019
Present: 51 members signed in and the meeting was formally opened by the Chairman, at 8.20pm.
The Chairman informed the members that this meeting was the AGM and handed over the gavel to the President, Col. Joe Harkon. Col. Harkon formally dissolved the committee and proceeded to conduct the proceedings to elect the new committee. He indicated that the outgoing committee had indicated that they were all willing to serve again if elected and asked if there were any other nominations, with a negative result. Tony Woods than expressed his appreciation for the work carried out by the committee during the past year which resulted in a round of applause. Col. Harkon then proposed that the new committee are to be elected by a show of hands. This produced a unanimous result. The new committee is as follows:
Chairman: Bruce Cargill
Vice Chairman: Maj. Frank Boyle
Treasurer/ Social Secretary: Mike Hurst
Secretary: Arthur Cheetham
Apologies for absence: Apologies were received from:- Col. Steve Boardman, Lt. Col. Dave Macaulay, Maj. Elaine Overend, Capt. Neil Platt, Maj. Terry Stott, Maj. Arthur Naughton, Harry Dutton, Tug Wilson, John McNaughton, Geoff Morris, Joe Mawdsley, Joe McAllister, Ted Martin, Len Nichol, Ossie Osborne, Richie Smythe, Willy Barney, Ken Barney, Len Munnerly, Geoff Woods, Bob Magee, John Search, Billy Young, Joe Pettigrew, Tony Pettigrew, Allan McDonald, Steve Doran, Danny Hart, Richie Carol, Eddie Jones, Peter Blackmore, Bobby Hamblet, Kevin Hughes, Alan Nelson, Steve Cheetham, Stan Griffiths, Colin Hughes, Phil Macaulay, Brian Blanchard and Bob Magee.
Minutes of the Previous Meeting: The minutes of the previous meeting were approved as a true record.
Proposed by: Peter Smedley
Seconded by: Steve Grey
Matters Arising: There were no matters arising.
Visitors/new members: Jeff Johnson and Sid Smith, both ex 4 Para and existing PRA members introduced themselves, gave a resume of their service and later became members of the Liverpool branch.
Welfare Reports: The Chairman said that he would continue to cover the office of Welfare Officer until Ken Barney was fit enough to resume. He then proceeded to update everyone regarding several of our members that he had been in touch with. He reported that Geoff Morrison remained much the same and was being well looked after by his wife and Geoff Wood was getting better since his medication had been stabilised. Minutes of the Annual General Meeting held at the Army Reserve Centre, Mather Avenue, Tuesday 5th March 2019 2
Chairman’s Report: The Chairman said that 2018 had been another successful year for the branch and that membership numbers and monthly meeting attendance figures had continued to grow. He said that he was looking forward to another successful year and that the committee was hoping to plan a number of coach outings throughout the year and asked the members to submit their ideas for venues that they would like to visit. As a guideline, he said that the travelling time should not exceed 2 hours. He emphasized that in the event of an outing being planned members should not put their names down unless they definitely intended to go and that they would be liable to pay for their seat on the coach if they failed to turn up on the day.
Correspondence & Secretary’s Report: The Secretary reported that he had received the mail drop from RHQ together with the Newsletter, from Paul Raison which had been circulated among the members with email facilities. He also had a hard copy available for members to read. He had also received copies of the minutes from the Central Lancs Branch. The Secretary said that he had recently received an email for Jamie Pearce, a former member of 2Para who lives in Pembrokeshire, South Wales. Jamie said that there is a plan to convert an old abandoned fort into a veterans leisure centre but there was evidence to suggest that the whole project is a scam. The main person involved in the project purports to have been a former member of the Parachute Regiment and to have held office in the Liverpool branch of the RBL. As Maj. Overend is connected with the RBL the Secretary passed the matter over to her. As a result Maj. Overend issued a statement on behalf of the RBL together with the request that the statement be read out at the meeting. This was carried out in compliance with her request.
Treasurer & Social Secretary's report: The Treasurer reported that our excellent new website is now up and running and has been paid for. He paid tribute to Jimmy O’Connell for the hard work that he had put into designing the website. This was followed by a well-deserved round of applause from the members. He reminded the members that the annual branch subscription was now (over) due and that only about a third of the membership had paid so far. This resulted in a long queue at Mike’s desk and a smile on his face.
Any Other Business: None
Future events:
11th May 2019: 4 Para Club annual reunion luncheon, Leeds, see Sec. for details.
3rd—7th June 2019: Normandy 75th commemoration - France.
15th June 2019: PRA Sheffield Branch, veteran’s service followed by a meal.
22nd June 2019: PRA AGM National Memorial Arboretum.
22nd June 2019: Regimental Commemoration Service National Memorial Arboretum
6th July 2019: Airborne Statue unveiling Aldershot Sat.
7th September 2019: 45th anniversary of Operation Bold Guard commemoration service at Glasgow Cathedral followed by a march through Glasgow.
15th September 2019: Op. Market Garden special service, St. Nicks followed by a meal at the Atlantic Tower Hotel.
20th—22nd Sept. 2019: Arnhem 75th Commemorations Holland
Meeting Closed: at 9.05pm
Date of next meeting: Tuesday 2nd April 2019.

The Parachute
Regimental Association
Liverpool Branch
President:-Colonel (Ret,d) J. Harkon MBE TD. DL

Chairman:Bruce Cargill
0151 474 2479
Secretary: Arthur Cheetham,
0151 625 7361
Treasurer: Michael Hurst
0151 547 4776
Minutes of the Meeting held at the Army Reserve Centre.
Mather Avenue.
Tuesday 5th February 2019
Present: 60 members signed in and the meeting was formally opened by the Chairman, at 8.20pm.
Apologies for absence: Apologies were received from:- Col. Steve Boardman, Capt. Neil Platt, Maj. Terry Stott, Maj. Arthur Naughton, Maj. Roy Bevan, Tom McCormick, Harry Dutton, Tug Wilson, John McNaughton, Geoff Morris, Joe Mawdsley, Ted Martin, Len Nichol, Ossie Osborne, Richie Smythe, Willy Barney, Len Munnerly, Geoff Woods, George Rawsthorne, Kevin Swarze, Pete Nicholson, Bob Magee, John Search, Billy Young, Ron Lawson, Joe Pettigrew, Tony Pettigrew, Sid Stephens, Allan McDonald, Steve Doran, Danny Hart, Richie Carol, Peter Veevrs, Jimmy Oram, David Dixon, Eddie Jones, Peter Blackmore, and Bob Magee.
Minutes of the Previous Meeting: The minutes of the previous meeting were approved as a true record.
Proposed by: Tom Barney Seconded by Steve Sankey
Matters Arising: There were no matters arising.
Visitors/new members: There were three visitors/joining members, Stewart Griffiths, Steve Cheetham and Rob (Ned) Kelly who introduced themselves and gave a summary of their military background. They received a round of applause from the members.
Chairman’s Report: The Chairman said that he was pleased to see so many members attending the meeting and that it was a sure sign of the strength of the branch and welcomed the three joining members. He said that he was pleased to see Ken Barney back after his spinal operation and told Ken that he would provide cover for his welfare duties while he was recovering.
Welfare Reports: The Chairman said that he and Maj. Boyle had planned on visiting Ossie the previous day but had to cancel the trip because of inclement weather and had postponed the visit until Wednesday. He had been to see Joe Mawdsley who he had found to be in good spirits but was still having balance problems. Tony Woods said that that he kept in touch with Peter Corcoran and reported that Peter had now been discharged from hospital after his treatment and was now recovering at home and had asked Tony to pass on his regards to his friends in the branch. Minutes of the Meeting held at the Army Reserve Centre, Mather Avenue, Tuesday 5th February 2019 2
Correspondence & Secretary’s Report: The Secretary reported that he had received the mail drop from RHQ together with the Newsletter, from Paul Raison. He had also received copies of the minutes from the Manchester and Bolton & District branches. Julia Weymouth had returned to her duties after her period of maternity leave which would no doubt relieve the pressure on the other office staff as it would appear that positions held by civil servants are not allowed to be covered by “temps” during periods of absence. He said that he had been disappointed to see that the report that he had submitted for publication in the winter edition of Pegasus Journal had not been published. Neither had a comprehensive report from Maj. Overend regarding the branch's entry in the PARAs 10 event. In view of this, he had made a complaint to the editor who had apologised profusely for the omissions and suggested that they could be published in the Pegasus Journal Year Book. The Secretary had agreed to this and has sent an updated version of the report.
Treasurer & Social Secretary's report: The Treasurer circulated copies of his very detailed monthly accounts and gave his usual clear explanations for the various transactions. He reminded members that the annual branch subscription for the year 2019 was due and pointed out that quite a few had not yet paid. This resulted in a queue forming at his table. He reminded members not to leave copies of his accounts lying around after they had finished with them, but to collect them in for later destruction.
Any Other Business: Col. Harkon said that as this year was the 75th anniversary of D-Day and the Arnhem landings, the branch should give consideration to making the annual church parade a major event. After some general discussion it was agreed that we should go along with this proposal and after some further discussion, it was felt that 15th September would be an appropriate date. It was also agreed that we should invite the Lord Lieutenant of Merseyside together with the mayor of Liverpool as our guests. Col. Harkon said that he would check their diaries to ensure that they are clear for that date. The Treasurer informed members that our application for inclusion on the Freedom of the City Roll of Association was being considered and that he would keep everyone informed of its progress. The Chairman then presented Arnhem veteran, Joe McAllister with a birthday card and a lovely birthday cake to commemorate his 95th birthday. This was followed by a round of applause and a superb airborne stew that had been prepared by our Chairman.
Future events:
8th Feb.—4th March 2019: 1 Para reunion weekend Blackpool. Contact: Arthur Mullander. Email: mobile 07747 155261
8th—10th March 2019: 2 Para reunion weekend Blackpool. Contact Dave Singletary. Email: mobile 07940 576977.
22nd—24th March 2019: 3 Para reunion weekend Blackpool. Contact 3paraunion
11th May 2019: 4 Para reunion luncheon Leeds. Lt. Col. Dave Macaulay is in the process of checking out three possible venues, all within walking distance of Leeds railway station. Members will be informed of the venue and further details as soon as they are finalised.
3rd—7th June 2019: Normandy 75th commemoration - France.
22nd June 2019: PRA AGM National Memorial Arboretum.
22nd June 2019: Regimental Commemoration Service National Memorial Arboretum.
6th July 2019: Airborne Statue unveiling Aldershot Saturday.
7th September 2019: 45th anniversary of Operation Bold Guard commemoration service at Glasgow Cathedral followed by a march through Glasgow.
20th—22nd Sept. 2019: Arnhem 75th Commemorations Holland.
Meeting Closed: at 9.05pm.
Date of next meeting: Tuesday 5th March 2019