Latest news 2023.
Remembrance Sunday
12th November 2023
Ladies and Gents
There will be three events this year to mark the Remembrance period:
Event 1 – Fri 10 Nov 23 – There will be a short ceremony at 11.00 a.m. outside Walker House where there are two memorials, the Cotton Association War Memorial and the very poignant Exchange Newsroom War Memorial dedicated to the 26 newsmen or sons of newsmen of Liverpool Exchange who gave their lives during the first world war ( 1914 - 1918 ). Veterans and the general public can attend and should gather from 10.30 a.m.
Event 2 – Sat 11 Nov 23 – On Armistice Day itself a ceremony will be held at the Cenotaph on St Georges Plateau commencing at 10.00 am. Pipes and drums will be played before the ceremony. Sentries will be posted on the Cenotaph at 10.30 a.m. with the Service and Act of Remembrance taking place at 10.55 a.m. for 11.00 a.m.
Event 3 - Remembrance Sun 12 Nov 23 - Security is being provided by Merseyside Police assisted by members of the Royal Military Police.
The details regarding Liverpool PRA are:
0930 - Muster on Lime Street outside the station near the Crown Hotel.
1000 -Parade Sergeant Major (WO2 Billy Jones) to brief Veterans.
1005 -Cenotaph sentries to march off.
1007 - Liverpool PRA to form up behind the Irish Guards (14 in order of march) FOUR abreast on the ‘yellow brick road’ facing Lime St Station.
1010 - PRA to step off along Lime St, turn onto St Georges Plateau.
1050 - Civic Service commences.
1130 - All participants march off the Plateau and then march along Lime Street, saluting the Cenotaph as we pass.
1140 - PRA Halt and Fall out in St Johns Lane.
1200 - PRA reform in St Johns Gardens around the gardens to our memorial stone.
1210 - PRA Reflection and Remembrance at our memorial stone.
All members are then invited to make their way to the Lady of Mann, Dale St (Behind Rigbys) where we will have our own bar, which will open at 1 p.m., and where a light buffet will be served.
Veterans with Mobility Issues – Each Regimental Association has been issued with 4 passes for veterans to access reserved seating on the steps of St Georges Hall. Carers will also require one of these passes. The seating is at the southern end of the steps (near where the PRA will be standing during the service but access to the steps will be at the northern end of the plateau near the Steble Fountain.
Access will be STRICTLY controlled by the RMP. Ticketholders must take their seats by 10.30 am after this time access will be refused. Those who have already been identified as qualifying for tickets can be obtained from the Branch Secretary at the next PRA meeting on 7th November
Brian Welsh
Branch Secretary
Liverpool PRA.

The ascent of Helm Crag by Captain Joseph Budworth / Palmer (1756–1815)
What a fantastic weekend was had by members of Liverpool PRA, who were hosted by the Beacon Counselling Trust and the Wordsworth Trust, Grasmere.
Members of the Liverpool branch re-enacted the ascent of Helm Crag made famous by Captain Joseph Budworth who was a disabled war veteran, having lost his left arm during the siege of Gibraltar 1779 – 1783 while serving as an officer in the 72nd Royal Manchester Volunteers.
On returning home in 1783 he accepted a cadetship in the Bengal artillery, however, due to health reasons, he did not long remain in India and subsequently retired from the service; However, not long after his retirement, the French Revolution began in 1789, he volunteered as a captain in the North Hampshire militia.
In 1792, the soldier-turned-writer wrote an account of a short walking tour in the Lake District, he was accompanied on the walk by his good friend William Noble.
He published this account to serve as a light-hearted guide to tourists who wanted to avoid travelling through Europe on the Grand Tour due to instability in France.
On our arrival, one of our party Ian Whiteside (ex-4 Para and member of the Beacon Counselling Trust) was asked to take part in the reenactment, he swiftly volunteered to stand in for one of the actors who was to play William Noble, fortunately, Ian took to the part like a duck to water and it seems obvious, that he missing his true thespian calling.
We began the day by eating the hearty meal that Captain Joseph Budworth and William Noble ate before attempting their ascent of Helm Crag, this was faithfully re-created for us by the wonderful team of Wordsworth Trust, Grasmere, led by Museum Curator Jeff Cowton MBE, who also acted as guide and host.
The hearty meal consisted of,
Roast pike, stuffed.
A boiled fowl.
Veal cutlets and ham.
Beans, bacon with Cabbage,
Peas and potatoes.
Anchovy sauce.
Parsley and butter.
Plain butter.
Wheat bread and oat cake.
Three cups of preserved gooseberries with a bowl of rich cream in the centre.
(Priced in 1792, for two people, at ten pence a head).
Shortly after we’d eaten our fill, we set off from Dove Cottage, which was once the home of the great English poet William Wordsworth (1770 – 1850).
Helm Crag lies at the northern end of Grasmere Valley, standing at 405m, and the weather was absolutely glorious as we made our way towards the church and tavern that the intrepid pair had visited before attempting their ascent.
We also stopped on a couple of occasions during the ascent, as an actor playing Captain Joseph Budworth read excerpts from Bedworth’s book, ‘A Fortnight's Ramble to the Lakes, in this he was ably assisted by Ian Whiteside as William Noble.
Our party consisted of various ages ranging from 30 to 70, and with varying levels of fitness, some like myself found it a struggle at times especially nearing the top, but others more experienced walkers took it all in their stride. It must be said we were accompanied by several experienced mountain leaders who were on hand in case anyone had difficulties, they were very helpful and a reassuring sight, as it is very easy to into difficulties with the changing weather and physical effort in ascending this very steep ascent.
The event was being filmed by Rob Grange and a short film will be shown at Kendal Mountain Festival in November.
Also on the same ascent was a French film documentary team, they were making a documentary about Catherine Destivelle a world-renowned rock climber and mountaineer, Catherine was very obliging and had her photo taken with nearly everyone.
On reaching the summit the views are breathtaking with views in every direction from the Helvellyn and Fairfield range and looking over Grasmere Village.
Whilst at the summit some more filming was done and photos were taken, then we began our descent, which was quite precarious due to the steepness and loose rock underfoot, but eventually, we all made it down safely and we headed straight to our accommodation which a local youth hostel for firstly tea and cakes which had been laid on for us, then a quick shower, shave and rendezvous at Tweedies Bar and Restaurant, were the Beacon Counselling Trust had also arranged for a slap-up meal and drinks, a great time was had.
Also, we must say a huge thank you to our driver, the ever-reliable Alfie Brennan.
These types of trips are to be very much recommended, the feeling of achievement and wellbeing from being in the outdoors, with fellow veterans cannot be underestimated.
There are more on this link. Photos

Liverpool’s Armed Forces Day Celebration Service will take place at Liverpool Parish Church, Our Lady and St Nicholas on Saturday, 24 June 2023.
The dress code is Lounge Suit/Day Dress/Uniform/Medals.
Arrival at Liverpool Parish Church,
Our Lady and St Nicholas,
Old Churchyard,
Liverpool L2 8GW.
Please note there is no reserved parking.
Service commences.
Service concludes.
The marching contingent will form up.
Congregation ushered to Chapel Street to view the March.
Parade steps off
The parade concludes at the Royal Albert Dock.
From 12.00am
Parachute Regimental Association, Liverpool – Drinks and light refreshments are available at;
Hotel Mercure, (the old Atlantic Tower)
Chapel Street,
Liverpool L3 9AG.
4th Battalion The Parachute Regiment Reunion
Six Weeks to Go!!
Dear members, another polite reminder for this year's reunion for sending your payments in by cheque or bank transfer. We are well into double figures and the hotel has confirmed I can give the final numbers two weeks before the event. As before we will have an update on 4 PARA and the Regiment + a guest speaker! More on this closer to the date! Original details are below with attachments for the reunion and membership. I will be sending out a meal selection two weeks before the dinner.
4 PARA CLUB - Reunion Lunch Saturday 29th April 2023
Hilton Leeds
Neville Street
Please find attached details for this year's reunion. We have changed location this year following feedback for better accessibility for disabilities and easy access. This year will include a hot/cold buffet menu at the price of £18.50. Please can you circulate this information to your PRA Branch, friends, serving and past members of 4 PARA.
Also attached is a membership form, if you are still not a member or know of someone ex or serving 4 PARA, please complete and return it to me including a one-off cost of £10.00.
4 PARA LATERZA BRIDGE GIN - OC D Coy 4 PARA who will be speaking at the reunion has kindly given details of the battalions GIN offer named after 4 PARA's assault on the bridge in 1943. More details are attached and a link to the MS Forms to enable you to pre-purchase if you are attending the reunion.
To order the 4 PARA Laterza Bridge Gin: It is with regret that we are unable to post the order so collection only at the lunch please as well as payment with the order (we will not produce invoices)!
Looking forward to seeing you on the 29th of April 2023!
Norman Timson.
It is with great sadness that we must announce that Norman Timson, a veteran of B Company 12th/13th (Yorks and Lancs) Battalion, The Parachute Regiment has passed and his funeral is on 27th February 23. There will be a Church Service at 2:45hrs at:
St Aiden’s Church,
Holmes House Avenue,
WN3 6EE.
Followed by a Cremation at 14:30 hrs at:
St Helens Cemetery & Crematorium
Rainford Road,
WA10 6DF.
If Liverpool PRA members are available to attend the crematorium, Norman's daughter would be very grateful as he very often spoke about his time and friends from the Parachute Regiment.
12th /13th PARA was created from an amalgamation of both TA Parachute Battalions in October 1956 and formed part of the 44th Independent Parachute Brigade Group (TA).
It amalgamated with 17 PARA (TA) in 1967 to form 4 PARA (V)